As of January 2015, I am still a relative newcomer to video camera and production work, a member of PhillyCAM (a local public access network cablecasting on Comcast 66/966 and Verizon 29/30), where I began training in the fall of 2011 but have since participated only sporadically. Read more about my involvement with PhillyCAM.
I am still interested in finding a few like-minded people to join me in producing a variety of short video segments and planning for regularly scheduled shows and/or documentaries in the future. Read more about my request for help, Video Production Volunteers Wanted.
My last learning stint was a six-week TV Studio Production Crew Workshop (see PhillyCAM Classes) in November and December of 2012. Read more about my Video Production Learning experience at PhillyCAM.
In October 2012 I recorded my first session with a local singer/songwriter, Z (name withheld pending approval). Unfortunately I did not have any of my available microphones set up properly for this session, never learned enough about editing even to create a brief pilot program, and have never shared any of it publicly. Read more about my Video Recording Sessions.
As of January 2015, my plans have been on hold until I get my life in order and find time and energy again for video production. In October 2012 I began planning a project whose working title is Philly Soapbox, aiming to produce a variety of short video segments relating to my musical and community interests. I had hoped to begin work in 2013 on a project whose working title is Call Me Old-Fashioned, aiming to produce regularly scheduled shows, also relating to my musical and community interests. I was also considering, and may again consider, collaborating with a fellow PhillyCAM member on a music-related documentary. For more about my show ideas in general, see my Video Production Plans.
For more specific examples of segments I would like to produce and topics I might want to incorporate, read about my Focus and Potential Topics.
Big plans, huh? Do I really have the time and energy to do all this? I am seeking first to spend more of my time gainfully employed, and am definitely not ready to commit full-time to video projects. But I do hope to work out a schedule that allows me to pursue these plans. Read more about my commitment or lack thereof, and my Timetable.