
John Francis Butler


  • High school, Newport, N.H.; the Loomis School, Windsor, Conn., 1940-44
  • The University of Maine, 1944-5, engineering (Army program)
  • North Carolina State College, Raleigh, 1945, mechanical engineering (Army)
  • The University of Massachusetts, summer, 1948
  • Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., 1947-9, English, B.A.
  • Brown University, 1949-52; 1956-7; M.A., 1951
  • 1952-3 Instructor, the University of Kansas
  • 1953-9 Instructor, Assistant Professor, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1956-7, fellowship for further doctoral study, Brown Univ., Providence, R.I.)
  • 1959-61 Visiting Assistant Professor, Williams College, Williamatown, Mass.
  • 1961-6 Lecturer and (1965-6) Director of Freshman English, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont
  • 1964 Summer: Visiting Professor, Summer Institute for Teachers of English at Predominantly Negro Colleges, Indiana University Graduate School, Bloomington, Indiana (sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation and Rockefeller Foundation)
  • 1965 Summer: Visiting Professor at the second Indiana Institute
  • 1966-70 Associate Professor and Director of Freshman-Sophomore English, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas
  • 1966 Summer: Teacher of Advanced Composition, NDEA institute for high school teachers, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.
  • 1967 Summer: Teacher of Advanced Composition, second NDEA institute at Peabody's Graduate School
  • 1968 Summer: Teacher of Language and Literature, Upward Bound Program (of Friends University, Sacred Heart College, and Wichita State University), Wichita, Kansas
  • 1968-9 Teacher in Follow-Up Program of Upward Bound, Wichita
  • 1969 Summer: Visiting Professor, EPDA Institute for English Department Chairmen and English Curriculum Supervisors from Major Cities, Graduate School, the University of Iowa, Iowa City
  • 1970 Summer: Visiting Professor, EPDA Institute for high school English teachers, Graduate School, the University of Hawaii
  • 1970-2 Professor of English, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa.
  • 1972-9 Professor of English and Director of Freshman English, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.
  • 1979 Summer: Visiting Professor, Summer Writing Project for Junior and Senior High School Teachers of English, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Curriculum Vitae


  • Middletown, Conn.: "The Teaching of Literature," New England College English Association annual meeting, Wesleyan University
  • "Exercises in Literary Criticism," a series of seven articles in the C.E.A. Critic
  • Exercises in Literary Understanding, Scott, Foresman, 65 pp.
  • Bibliographical editor (one of many) for Twentieth Century Literature
  • Hanover, NH "Humanities Programs," N. E. College English Association annual meeting, Dartmouth College
  • New York: Speaker, College Conference on Composition and Communication meeting
  • Cambridge, Mass.: "Report on the first Summer Institute for Teachers of English at Predominantly Negro Colleges," for Educational Services, Inc.
  • Houston: Consultant and teacher of demonstration classes, for Educational Services, Inc., Texas Southern University, 3 days
  • Consultant to the Pre-College Center Program (forerunner of Upward Bound), for seniors at predominantly Negro high schools, to assist in designing an English program; funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations, 1964-5
  • Atlanta: Consultant and teacher of demonstration classes, for Educational Services, Inc., at Morehouse College, with appearances at Spelman College, 3 days
  • Boston: "Advanced Writing," chairman of a panel, National Council of Teachers of English annual meeting
  • Baltimore: Lecturer and Consultant, Morgan State University, spring, 3 days
  • Durham: Lecturer and Consultant, North Carolina College, spring, 3 days
  • Jefferson City, Mo. Lecturer and Consultant, Lincoln University, spring, 3 days
  • Washington: Consultant, Services to Education, Inc., summer, 3 days
  • Tuskegee, Alabama: Visiting Lecturer, NDEA Institute for High School Teachers, Tuskegee Institute, summer, 1 day
  • Nashville: Site Visitor, Upward Bound Program, Fisk University (for Educational Projects, Inc.), summer, 2 days
  • Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Site Visitor, Upward Bound, Middle Tennessee State Univ., summer, 2 days
  • Washington: Consultant to Educational Projects, Inc., fall, 2 days
  • Kansas City: Site Visitor, Upward Bound Program, University of Missouri, winter, 2 days
  • Louisville: Speaker at special invitational meeting, CCCC, spring, 3 days
  • Anthony, Ks. : Keynote Address to district elementary and high school teachers, fall orientation meeting
  • Springfield, Illinois: Workshop director, day-long meeting of English teachers from four colleges and eight high schools, Springfield Junior College, fall
  • Lawrence, Kansas: "Teaching Writing," annual Kansas University Conference for high school and college English teachers, fall
  • Contributor to article on the preparation of college English teachers, in College Composition and Communication, winter
  • Chicago: "ERIC and the Undergraduate Curriculum," participant in invitational meeting, Modern Language Association annual meeting, winter $1968
  • Boston: Consultant on freshman-sophomore English programs, and teacher-training programs, Univ. of Mass., winter, 2 days
  • Denver: Consultant to directors and teachers of an experimental junior high school English program, spring, 1 day
  • Minneapolis: Speaker in two meetings on the act of composing, CCCC annual meeting
  • Iowa City: Discussion Leader at five-state conference on Upward Bound, the University of Iowa, spring, 2 days
  • Election to the College Section Committee of the National Council of Teachers of English, for 3 year term
  • East Lansing: Teacher in U.S. Agency for International Development's Communication Seminar, for 134 adults from 20 foreign countries, Michigan State University, summer, 6 days
  • Wichita: Main Speaker, Wichita Council of Teachers of English annual fall meeting
  • Kansas City: Discussion Leader at five-state conference of Upward Bound directors an teachers, University of Missouri, fall, 2 days
  • Milwaukee: Participant in NCTE's College Section Committee meeting, 1 day; participant in other meetings, 3 days
  • Manhattan, Kansas: Participant in Conference of Directors of Composition, Kansas colleges and universities, Kansas State University, winter, 2 days
  • New York: "ERIC and the Undergraduate Curriculum," program chairman, MLA meeting
  • Wichita: "Confidence and Learning," Commencement speech ,for adults in Community Action Center's high school equivalency program, winter
  • Fairbanks: Keynote speaker, Alaska English Council annual meeting, University of Alaska, spring
  • Fairbanks: Speaker, in-service training program, Fairbanks High School
  • Anchorage: "Teaching Writing," Anchorage high school teachers meeting, Alaska Methodist University
  • Anchorage: "Teaching the Disadvantaged," to public and university audience, sponsored by Anchorage Community College and Alaska Methodist Univ.
  • Miami Beach: "Perception and Composition," CCCC annual meeting, spring
  • Pittsburg, Kansas: Preside at annual meeting, Kansas Association of College English Teachers, Kansas State College, spring
  • Urbana, Illinois: Participant, as member of College Section Committee, in the annual planning session of three NCTE committees
  • Nashville: Teacher, week-long in-service workshop on language, Tennessee English Council, Trevecca-Nazarene College, 3 days, summer
  • Iowa City: Visiting Professor, "Composition," EPD& Institute for 32 high school English Department chairmen and English Curriculum Supervisors, University of Iowa, summer, 7 weeks
  • Washington: Participant, College Section Committee, NCTE annual meeting
  • Philadelphia: Consultant on the teaching of writing, and on staff-taught courses, Drexel University, fall, 2 days
  • Consultant, Oxford University Press
  • Seattle: Lecturer, panelist, and Workshop Leader, COCO meeting, spring, 4 days
  • Nashville: Consultant and Lecturer, in-service training program, Metro Schools, 2 days
  • Consultant, Oxford University Press, summer
  • Honolulu: Visiting Professor, EPDA Institute for 30 high school teachers and curriculum supervisors, University of Hawaii, summer, 9 days
  • Illinois: Chairman, English Evaluating Committee, North Central Accreditation Association, Homewood-Flos5mOOr High School, 3 days, fall
  • Atlanta: "Research Possibilities in the Evaluation of Writing," participant in invitational meeting; participant, College Section Committee of NCTE
  • Indianapolis: Keynote Speaker, annual meeting of the Greater Indianapolis Book Club's 280 members; speech to 30 high school English Department chairmen
  • Cincinnati: "What Students Need to 1(now about Language," CCCC annual meeting; participant in 3 other meetings, spring, 3 days
  • Philadelphia: Drexel Representative, annual MLA New England Regional Meeting, spring
  • New Orleans: Workshop Director, in-service training program on the teaching of writing, funded by the U.S. Office of Education as part of a program to ease the problems of integration, spring, 2 days
  • Urbana, Illinois: Participant in annual meeting of the Executive Council and College Section Committee, NCTE, spring, 2 days
  • East Lansing: Teacher, U.S. Agency for International Development's Communication Seminar, for 50 adults from 20 foreign countries, Michigan State University, summer, 6 days
  • Dallas: Teacher, Institute to decrease the problems of teaching writing in newly-integrated classrooms, for 30 Black high school teachers, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Bishop College, 2 weeks
  • Charlotte, W.Va.: Keynote Speaker, annual meeting of the NCTE Charlotte affiliate, fall
  • Las Vegas: Participant, College Section Committee of NCTE; participant, invitational meeting on evaluating students' writing
  • Atwood, Ohio: Teacher, A.I.D. Communication Seminar for 32 adults from 12 foreign countries, winter, 6 days
  • Philadelphia: Consultant, Interpersonal Communications Services, winter, 2 days
  • Philadelphia: Panelist, Third International Festival of Short Films, winter
  • Boston: "Writing as Self-Discovery," one of three keynote speeches; panelist, "Writing as Self-Discovery," CCCC annual meeting, spring
  • Philadelphia: Consultant, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, summer
  • Nashville: "Change in Education," annual meeting of Kappa Delta Epsilon and Kappa Phi Kappa, national education sorority and fraternity, fall
  • Minneapolis: "Writing as Self-Discovery," NCTE pre-convention workshop for 140 high school and college English teachers, fall, 2 days
  • Invitation to apply for the editorship of College Composition and Communication, regretfully declined, winter
  • "On Teaching Composition," Kansas English, lead article (Dec. 1972 issue)
  • New Orleans: "Exercises on the Nature of Language," CCCC annual meeting, spring
  • Named "Affiliate Speaker for 1973-4" by CCCC
  • Named to the Resolutions Committee of NCTE
  • Antioch, Tenn.: "Why Teach Writing?," Nashville council of Teachers of English, spring
  • Florence, S.C.: Consultant to the English Department, Florence-Darlington Technical Education Center, simmer, 2 days
  • Mesquite, Texas: Consultant to the English Department, Eastfield Community College, fall, 2 days
  • Philadelphia: "Composition for Excellence," NCTE annual meeting; Resolutions Committee meetings, 3 days
  • Contributing Editor to Effective Writing, University Independent Study project, Xerox Education Center (Columbus, Ohio)
  • Jackson, Miss.: "Should Certain Freshmen Bypass Freshman English?," Southeastern Conference on English in the Two-Year College, annual meeting, spring
  • Auburn, Alabama: "Why Is Composition Worth Teaching?," keynote address, Alabama College English Teachers' Association annual meeting, spring
  • Jackson, Miss.: "On Teaching Writing," keynote address, college English section of the Mississippi Education Association annual meeting, spring
  • Chattanooga: Speaker, Chattanooga-Hamilton County Council of Teachers of English
  • Battle Creek, Michigan: Teacher, A.I.D. Communication workshop for 46 adults from 12 foreign countries, summer, 6 days
  • "Why Is Composition Worth Teaching?," 45-minute cassette of Auburn University speech, made and sold by NCTE (#77614)
  • Named chairman of the NCTE Resolutions Committee
  • Commerce, Texas : "On the Artful Use of Language," annual meeting of area high school and college English teachers, East Texas State University, summer
  • Petersburg, Virginia: Consultant, English Department, Virginia State College, fall, 2 days
  • Nashville: "Correcting 5tudents' Writing," Workshop, Metro Schools in-service training, fall
  • Named chairman of a committee to write Guidelines for the Training of Teachers of English for Four-Year Colleges, for NCTE
  • Elected to three-year term on the Executive Committee of CCCC
  • New Orleans: Chairman, Resolutions Committee meetings; chairman, committee on Guidelines for the Training of Teachers of English for Four-Year Colleges; participant, Directors' meeting, NCTE annual meeting, fall
  • Charleston, S.C.: Consultant, Trident Technical College, and a nearby 4-year college, winter, 2 days
  • Birmingham: Workshop Director, English Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham: first annual meeting of area high school and college English teachers, winter, 1 day
  • St. Louis: "New Directions in the Teaching of English"; participant, Executive Committee of CCCC meeting; annual CCCC meeting, spring, 4 days
  • Elyria, Ohio: Consultant, Lorrain County Community College, fall, two days
  • Invitation to apply for Associate Executive Secretary of NCTE, declined
  • San Diego: Participant, Executive Committee of CCCC meeting; participant, Directors of WOTE meeting; representative of Nashville Council of Teachers of English at Directors' meetings.
  • Florence, S.C.: Consultant to the English Department, Florence-Darlington Technical College, spring, 1 day
  • Nashville: Accreditation self-study visit, St. Cecilia Academy English Department, spring, 1 day
  • Philadelphia: "What Is Really Basic about the Teaching of Writing?," CCCC annual meeting; day-long meeting of the Executive Committee; spring, 4 days
  • Nashville: "The Student's Right to His Own Language," Independent Schools of Nashville Teachers' Association, Montgomery Bell Academy, fall
  • Campellsville, Kentucky: "Merging City and County School Systems," speech to the League of Women Voters and other citizens, fall
  • Chicago: "What Right Have You Got to Say My Interpretation Is Wrong?," NCTE annual meeting; participant in day-long meeting of Executive Committee of CCCC, spring, 4 days
  • Nashville: "What Is Art?," final lecture of a ten-session series, Cheekwood Botanical Gardens
  • New York: "What a Teaching Fellow Needs from his University," MLA annual meeting
  • Mobile, Alabama: "The Language Experience and Composition," and "What Happens When We Write?" each lecture delivered twice, with discussion periods; NCTE Regional Spring Workshop for the Southeast, spring, 2 days
  • Kansas City: "The Teacher as Catalyst," annual CCCC meeting; day-long meeting of the Executive Committee of CCCC; spring, 4 days
  • Des Moines, Iowa: "Is Every Professor a Language Teacher?," evening lecture to the general faculty; day-long consultant to the English Department, Drake University, spring, 2 days
  • Petersburg, Virginia: Consultant to the English Department, Virginia State College, spring, 2 days
  • Proposal advisor and member of the continuing Advisory Committee for a year-long series of public programs (lecture-discussion at meetings, plus radio and TV discussions) on The Family, for the Tennessee Commission on the Humanities; participant in three programs
  • Florence, Alabama: "On Using Language Well: the Poet and the Non-Poet," and consultant, North Alabama Creative Writers' Annual Workshop, summer, 2 days
  • Fort Worth, Texas: "Why Teach Writing?" and "How to Teach Writing," Southwestern Regional Conference on English in the Two-Year College, fall, 2 days
  • New York: "Motivating the Well-Prepared Student," annual NCTE meeting; day-long meeting of the Executive Committee of the CCCC, fall
  • Teacher of English in a six-week Peace Corps training project, Peabody College, Nashville
  • Nashville: "Foreigners and Black Folks: the Student's Right to His Own Language," annual meeting of the Southeastern Regional Conference on English in the Two-Year College, winter
  • Denver: Participant, Executive Committee of the CCCC, spring, 1 day
  • Birmingham: "Evaluating Students' Writing," NCTE Southeastern Regional Conference, fall
  • Kansas City: "Improving Instruction in Reading and Writing in the Public Schools," discussion leader of three sessions, annual NCTE meeting, pre-convention program, fall
  • Boone, N.C.: "Perception and the Use of Symbols," public lecture; "Teaching Writing to the Average and Poorly Prepared High School Student," talk to the University's practice teachers in English; "Teaching Composition," talk to Teaching Fellows and some faculty members; Appalachian State University, spring, 3 days
  • Pine Bluff, Arkansas: Visiting Professor, "Teaching Composition," Simmer Writing Project for Junior and Senior High School Teachers of English, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, summer, 5 weeks
  • "Remedial Writers: the Teacher's Job as Corrector of Papers," College Composition and Communication, October
  • Middlebury, Vermont: "Better Writing as a College-Wide Goal," lecture to faculty members, Middlebury College, winter
  • West Buxton, Maine: "Using Language Well," and "Composition: Teaching the Best and Most Poorly Prepared Writers in Junior and Senior High School," Bonny Eagle (Regional) High School, winter
  • Review-article on English handbooks, College Composition and Communication, October
  • Washington: "Research Report: Responses to Student Writing," Chair of panel discussion, NCTE annual meeting, fall

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